Saturday, February 16, 2013

Grab Life by the...Tweezers?

I'm going to tell you guys a story today.
This story is about a boy that got a splinter and how it relates to life.
The story goes like this:

One day there was a boy. His name was Jimmy.
Jimmy loved playing with sticks and rocks and all the things little boys play with.
Jimmy and his family went to a park that was by a river.
He immediately saw a bamboo stick and though, "Oh! A bigger more beautiful stick!"

So, he picked up the stick. 
He runs around like little boys do with pencils, and pokey things.
He shows his dad his stick.
His father tells him to put the stick down because it was dangerous.

Jimmy refused to put the stick down.
Not a moment later after he refused, he had a splinter in his hand.
He began to cry and dropped the stick.
His dad took his other hand and brought him home.

When they got home, Jimmy was squirming around and screaming because his mother had tweezers trying to relieve him of the pain of the splinter.
"It hurts!" yelled Jimmy.
"Yes, son, I'm sure it does. It hurts me to see you hurting" said his mother.

That was a sad story, right?
There is a moral to that story, even for adults. 
It may have sounded childish, but there is something to it.

The moral of the story is that life brings troubles and trials. (We will call these thorns)
These thorns get stuck in fingers, feet, toes, just about anywhere.
It is when we struggle through those thorns that we grow. (Getting through the thorns meaning that we get through the trial, forgive those who wrong us, and really begin to heal.)

Jimmy didn't listen to his father and what happened?
Yep, he got hurt!
When we don't listen to those that care for us, we get hurt.
Get out those tweezers (forgiveness, tenacity, strength, and willpower) to get through the thorns in life!
I have gone over my time.
Grab life by the tweezers.
Have a good Saturday guys and I hope that you can glean something from this story!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Irreversible Time

Time is the most precious commodity and gift that anyone could ever ask for.
It is the thing most wasted, and the thing that is taken for granted the most.
If you look at a clock in all it's vast array you will find that the gears and the hands were  put in motion.
They never stop to rest until the battery runs out.

This inevitably means that time can not be stopped.
Sure, you can break the clock, but time does not stop!
So, if it is so precious, why waste it?
It is because we as human beings are foolish and we don't realize how blessed we are.

Time can not be redeemed once it is lost!
If you think about the many minutes, hours, and days that are wasted on electronics texting and playing games; it really is no wonder why we feel that we never have time for anything!
I would strongly urge you to think about time and how precious it is to you.

1. Get a piece of paper and a pencil.
2. Write down what you hope to accomplish within the next ten years of your life.
3. Then think about how much time it will take to get to those goals.
4. Stop wasting the time with games and go do that goal that you are striving for.

Time, it can never be redeemed once lost; it is irreversible!

Be Deodorant, Not Cologne!

I don't know if you know that I mean when I say that I look at a person and then judge them on how I think they will smell. For example, I will be walking on my college campus and see a homelier looking guy or girl and think, "He or she looks bad, so they must smell bad too!"
Come on, admit it!
You have thought that at least once in your life.
The point is that judging someone because of looks to see if you should hold your breath when you walk by is wrong.

We should be looking at the person's heart.
Do they look nice on the outside?
Chances are that they are a cologne instead of a deodorant.
What do I mean by this?
I mean that a cologne or a perfume masks the scent instead of deodorant that fixes the problem that takes the stench away!

Does your life look good on the outside? 
Does your inside (attitude, emotions, and thoughts) reflect that of your outer appearance? 
Are you masking your bitterness, your hatred, your....(fill in the blank)?
Get rid of that bitterness, hatred, and baggage; and be the deodorant that lifts people up and makes the world (everyone's lives) smell good (having positive and good attitudes and thoughts)!

The candy-man mixes stuff with love and makes the world taste good!
I urge you to be the deodorant-man or deodorant-woman that mixes your life with love and makes the world  SMELL good!

What if Life was Like a Box of Chocolates?

It is the day after Valentines Day!
I'm sure that a lot of you got chocolate from your significant other.
I was thinking about life and about a box of chocolates.
Then I asked myself, "What if life was like a box of chocolates?"

It was a pretty basic question.
The question genuinely stumped me!
If life was like a box of chocolates then all of us would have nothing to live for!
We would be a know-it-all, stuck-up person that had life grand.
Is it wrong to have life going the way we want it to?
Of course not!

This then lead me to think that if life were like a box of chocolates that it would be by our choice!
You can choose to be happy.
Did you know that?
You can choose for life to be like that box of chocolate!
Most boxes of chocolate are assorted and you never know what you will get.
That is what keeps life interesting.
Enjoy life to the fullest; simply it by not stressing the small stuff; and share it with loved ones and friends!

Hack The Dash

What is a Dash?
A dash could be a pinch of something.
It could be a quick run, like a quick dash.
Or it could be the dash in between your birth and death.

Hack The Dash is a blog that will be about things in life and how to make the most of every moment.
It will be about the world, life, inspiration, and how to seize every moment.
The Dash will be something to strive for.
Each post will be a Dash of something; it could be a thought, a quote, or just something that I saw that would be a good post!

I hope you enjoy, Hack The Dash!